Side Bend for More Length
Living without length and space in our bodies may create a lot of pain. From low back pain to digestive issues and difficulty getting a good breath in. And that’s why I love side bending.
Side bending, also known as lateral flexion, is a therapeutic staple. Lateral flexion has a number of benefits.
- Improves pelvic-lumbar stability
- Opens the musculature and tissue between your ribs assisting with more expansive inhalation
- Creates space between the top of the pelvis and the bottom of the ribcage which helps with comfortable digestion
- Keeps the joints of our spine lubricated through healthy movement
The primary muscles used for lateral flexion are Internal Obliques, External Obliques, Quadratus Lumborum (QL) and the Erector Spinae The Erector Spinae is comprised of 3 muscle groups: Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis.
Lateral Flexion Exercises
While it is super important to practice lateral flexion while standing on your feet, props really help with lateral flexion. Props allow our spine to feel supported as we breathe. The muscles and tissue that support our spine move with each breath.
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